Low Energy Separated Beam III- C4
Brookhaven National Laboratory
(Revised 9-12-02, Contact: Phil Pile, 631-344-4643, pile@bnl.gov)
- Maximum Momentum: 830 MeV/c
- Length: 19.6 meters
- Angular acceptance: 12 msr
- Momentum acceptance: 4% fwhm
- Beam Optics: Corrected to third order
- Movable Collimators:
- 4Jaw Theta-Phi Collimator
- Horizontal Momentum Collimator
- Two Vertical Collimators (Mass Slits)
- Second horizontal collimator at achromatic focus
- Electrostatic Separators:
- Two Stage Separation
- < 625kV, 12.7 cm gap x 2.0 meter - #1
- < 560kV, 10.2 cm gap x 2.0 meter - #2
- Target: - 2001-2002
- 6 cm long platinum
- water cooled copper base
- Maximum ~30 x 1012 per second
- Picture
- Targets: - Retired
- Production Angle: 0 degrees
- Particle Flux (per 1013, 24 GeV/c protons on target):
- 800 MeV/c positive kaons - 4.8 x 106 with 71% purity
- Stopped positive kaons ~106
Present Use