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Number        Author                                                                   

1 A.G. Ruggiero,et al The NSNS Accumulator Ring 08/05/96
2 D. Raparia, et al NSNS Ring System Design Study 10/09/96
3 L.N. Blumberg, Y.Y.Lee H- Charge Exchange Injection into the 1 GeV NSNS Accumulator 11/01/96
4 A. Luccio, et al Injection and RF Capture in the NSNS A Numerical Simulation in 6 Dimensions 12/05/96
5 H. Ludewig et al NSNS Ring Systgem Design Study - Collimation and Shielding 11/01/96
6 D. Raparia, et al The NSNS Ring to Target Beam Transport Line 10/29/96
7 A. G. Ruggiero Space Charge and Coherent Effects in the NSNS Storage Ring 06/06/96
8 A. G. Ruggiero, M. Blaskiewicz The Electron-Proton Effects in Intense Proton Bunches 01/15/97
9 M. Blaskiewicz, et al RF Options for the NSNS 12/05/96
14 A. Soukas Power Supply System 03/31/1997
15 H. C. Hseuh Design of the NSNS Accumulator Ring Vacuum System 02/12/97
17 R. Witkover NSNS Ring Beam Diagnostic Instrumentation 02/14/97
18 H. Ludewig, et al Design of the NSNS Collimator System 03/18/97
20 J. Smith NSNS Ring and Transfer Lines Control System 04/21/97
23 A. U. Luccio Numerical Calculation of the Tune Spread Induced by Transverse Space Charge in a Synchrotron 01/29/97
24 A. G. Ruggiero Tuneability of the NSNS Accumulator Ring 02/12/97
25 A. G. Ruggiero Closed Orbit Distortion and Correction in the NSNS Accumulator Ring 02/14/97
26 Y.Y Lee The 4 Fold Symmetric Lattice for the NSNS Accumulator Ring 02/19/97
27 A. G. Ruggiero & M. Blaskiewicz Estimate of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance for the NSNS Accumulator Ring 04/21/97
28 A. G. Ruggiero and M. Blaskiewicz Fast Transverse Instability in the NSNS Accumulator Ring 04/24/97
29 A. G. Ruggiero Longitudinal Stability of the Beam Bunch in the NSNS Accumulator Ring 05/20/97
30 A. G. Ruggiero Fast Transverse Damper for the NSNS Accumulator Ring 06/02/97
31 C. J. Gardner Closed Orbit Distortion and Correction in the Four-Fold Symmetric NSNS Ring 04/14/97
32 S. Y. Zhang NSNS Space Charge Effect 04/24/97
33 S. Y. Zhang NSNS Transverse Instability 04/24/97
34 S. Y. Zhang, W.T. Weng NSNS Transverse Microwave Instabilities 06/06/97
35 A.G.Ruggiero and M. Blaskiewicz Electron-Proton Effects in Intense Proton Bunches Second Edition 05/12/97
36 M. Blaskiewicz, J.M. Brennan, A.Zaltsman The NSNS RF System 05/12/97
37 C. J. Gardner Some Notes on Tuning the NSNS Ring Lattice 08/12/97
38 J. Beebe-Wang, A.U. Luccio, R. Witkover Simulations of SNS Accumulator Ring Beam Position Monitor Signals 11/07/97
39 C. J. Gardner Skew Quadrupole Corrections for the SNS Ring 12/17/97
40 C. J. Gardner Some Notes on the Placement of Correctors 12/29/97
41 C. J. Gardner Sextupole Corrections for the SNS Ring 01/14/98
42 M. Blaskiewicz Impedance and Stability considerations for the SNS 02/17/98
43 S. Y. Zhang, W. T. Weng SNS Longitudinal Space Charge Effect 04/06/98
44 H. Ludewig, et al Revised Conceptual Design for the Collimator 04/24/98
45 C.J. Liaw, Y.Y.Lee, J. Alessi,J. Tuozzolo Maximum Temperature on the Carbon Striping Foil in the Spallation Neutron Source. 06/18/98
46 M. Blaskiewicz Impedance and Stability Considerations for the SNS: Part II 08/09/98
47 J. Smith, J. Yu, S. Kuznetsov BNL   EPICS  Development System 09/16/98
48 R. Shafer Proposal for the SNS Ring Beam Synchronous Timing System 09/21/98
49 Richard Witkover Considerations in Designing a "beam-In-Gap" Monitor for the Spallation Neutron Source 09/23/98
50 S. Y. Zhang Secondary Electron Emission at the SNS Storage Ring Collimator 10/05/98
51 Jianlin Mi SNS Accumulator Ring Extraction Fast Kicker Modulator Initial Simulation 09/25/98
52 D. Raparia, J. Alessi, Y.Y. Lee, W. T. Weng The SNS High Energy Beam Transport Line 09/20/98
53 C. J. Gardner Three-Dimensional Field Expansions in Magnets:  A Primer 11/19/98
54 N. Tsoupas, J.Brodowski, Y. Y. Lee, J. Tuozzolo Preliminary Study of the Magnetic Field of the SNS Lambertson-Type Extraction Septum Magnet 12/22/98
55 N. Tsoupas, J. Brodowski, Y. Y. Lee, C. J. Liaw, J. Tuozzolo The SNS Injection Septum Magnet 12/22/98
56 J.Smith SNS Networking at BNL 01/24/99
57 P. Thieberger Proposed Magnetic Suppression of Secondary Electrons for the SNS Collimators 02/08/99
58 D. Raparia Estimated Beam Loss Due to Energy Straggling Through the Charge Exchange Injection Foil 02/08/99
59 R.Connolly, P. Cameron, T. Shea, R. Witkover Ionization Profile Monitor for SNS 03/01/99
60 R. Witkover Considerations for the SNS Ring BLM System Design 03/01/99
61 S. Y. Zhang SNS Storage Ring Impedances, 2-17-90 03/26/99
62 M. Kesselman Study of Ring BCM Requirements, Parameters and Feasibility 05/20/99
63 M. Blaskiewicz, et al. Barrier Cavities in the Brookhaven AGS 05/20/99
64 P. Thieberger, et al. Secondary Electron Yields and Their Dependence on the Angle of Incidence on Stainless Steel Surfaces for Three Energetic Ion Beams 08/18/99
65 D. Raparia, J. Alessi, Y.Y. Lee Collimation in the HEBT 08/19/99
66 J.Wei Preliminary Change Request for the SNS Ring Hybrid Lattice 10/12/99
67 H. Ludewig Preliminary Estimate of Dose Following Machine Shutdown From Collimators, Vacuum Chamber Walls, and Adjacent Magnets 10/18/99
68 M. Meth, A. Zaltsman Stability and Neutralization of the SNS RF Output Amplifier 12/15/99
69 S. Y. Zhang SNS Ring BPM 12/15/99
70 D. Raparia,  J. Alessi, Y.Y. Lee, J. Wei, W.T. Weng Impact of the Suuperconducting Linac on the HEBT and Ring 01/14/2000
71 R. Lambiase, B. Oerter, J. Smith Description of the Power Supply Control Scheme for the Spallation Neutron Source 02/04/2000
73 Dan T. Abell Bugs in UAL/TEAPOT Map for a Sector Bend 04/04/2000
74 Smita Sathe Report on SNS Magnet Database 04/15/2000
75 Y. Papaphilippou, N. Tsoupas Preliminary Change Request for the Chromatic Sextupoles and Trim Quadrupole Elements of the SNS Accumulator Ring 05/30/2000
76 J. Wei (Editor) Preliminary Change Request for the SNS 1.3 GeV-Compatible Ring 05/04/2000
77 H. Ludewig, J.Walker, N. Catalan-Lasheras, N. Simos, A. Mallen, J.Wei and M. Todosow Preliminary Estimates of Dose and Residual Activation of Selected Components in Ring Collimation Straight 06/06/2000
78 Alexei V. Fedotov Effect of Boundary Conditions at the Walls of a Beam Pipe on Present SNS Space-Charge Simulations 06/01/2000
79 J. G. Wang, S. Y. Zhang Measurements of Coupling Impedance for the SNS Accumulator Ring 06/09/2000
80 J. Beebe-Wang, C. R. Prior Injection Mismatch for the SNS Accumulator Ring 06/01/2000
81 J. Beebe-Wang Oscillating Injection Painting and Related Technical Issues 06/01/2000
82 C. J.Gardner Closed Orbit Distortion and Correction in the 248 Meter SNS Accumulator Ring Lattice 07/18/2000
83 H. Ludewig et al Preliminary Estimates of the Residual Dose in the Vicinity of the First Doublet Following Machine Shutdown 12/1999
84 H.Hahn On the Validity of Coupling Impedance Bench Measurements 09/05/2000
85 N. Malitsky A Prototype of the SNS Optics Database 11/09/2000
86 A.V. Fedotov, N. Malitsky, J. Wei Space-Charge Simulations for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Ring Using Unified Accelerator Libraries 01/25/2001
87 D. Raparia, A. Hershcovitch Plasma Window for SNS Target 02/12/2001
88 D. Davino and H. Hahn Transverse Impedance Measurement of a Simplified Model of the SNS Extraction Kicker 03/2001
89 I. Papaphilippou, C. Gardner, R. Lambiase, Y.Y. Lee, I. Marneris, J.Wei Preliminary Change Request for the Low-Field Corrector Power Supplies of the SNS Ring 03/23/2001
90 G. Parzen Choosing the Working Point in the SNS 03/05/2001
91 A.Fedotov, I. Papaphilippou, J. Wei
and J.A. Holmes
Space-Charge and Resonance considerations for Choosing the SNS Ring Working Points 03/23/2001
92 Y. Papaphilippou, R. Lambiase, Y. Y. Lee, W. Meng, J. Tuozzolo, J.Wei and J. A. Holmes Preliminary Change Request for the Powering of the 21Q40 and 26Q40 Focusing Arc Quadrupoles 04/02/2001
93 Y. Papaphilippou, Y. Y. Lee, 
N. Tsoupas and J.Wei
Preliminary Change Request for including chromaticity sextupoles in the SNS accumulator ring 04/06/2001
94 N.Tsoupas, D. Raparia, Y.Y. Lee, and  J. Wei Survey and Orientation of Beam-Coordinate System Near the Extraction Region of the SNS Ring 04/25/2001
95 N. Catalan-Lesheras and D. Raparia The Collimation System of the Ring to Target Beam Transfer (RTBT) Line 07/03/2001
96 N. Tsoupas, J. Wei, C.J.Gardner, Y.Y. Lee Sextupole Families and Optical Compensations for SNS Ring 07/17/2001
97 N. Catalan-Lasheras, D. Raparia The Collimation System of the High Energy Beam Transfer (HEBT) Line 07/27/2001
98 G. Parzan Electric Fields of a Uniformly Charged Elliptical Beam 08/03/2001
99 P. He, H. C. Hseuh, R. Todd Study of Metallization of Ceramic Vacuum Chambers in SNS Ring Injection System 08/30/2001
100 A.V. Fedotov and I. Hofmann Half-Integer Resonance Crossing in high-Intensity Rings 09/26/2001
101 G. Parzen Estimates of the Linear Coupling Effects 10/03/2001
102 D. Davino and H. Hahn Measurement and Analysis of the Transverse Coupling Impedance of the SNS Extraction Kickers 10/22/2001
103 H. Hahn and D. Davino Resistive Coatings on Layered Accelerator Structures with Rectangular Cross-Section 01/08/2002
104 M. Kesselman Considerations for the Design of the Beam Current Monitor System for the SNS 03/05/2002
105 G. Parzen Non-Linear Effects Due to Sextupoles 02/26/2002
106 Deepak Raparia Linac Dump Optics with Window Near Quadrupoles 03/12/2002
107 Deepak Raparia RTBT Collimators Re-Visisted 03/21/2002
108 D. Raparia and A. Hershcovitch Plasma Window for SNS Target 04/03/2002
109 H. Hahn and D. Davino SNS Extraction Kicker Magnet With Low -m Ferrite 06/28/2002
110 N. Tsoupas, et al A Large-Aperture Narrow Quadrupole for the SNS Accumulator Ring 05/21/2002
111 G. Parzen Guidelines for Injection Dipole Multipole 05/24/2002
112 D. Davino, J-L. Mi, N. Tsoupas Reduced Transverse Impedance of SNS Ring Extraction Kickers 07/17/2002
112 Rev A D. Davino, J-L. Mi, N.Tsoupas Reduced Transverse Impedance of SNS Ring Extraction Kickers 08/27/2002
113 J. Mi, J. Sandberg, A. Zhang SNS Extraction Kicker BPFN Output Current Waveform for Low ì Ferrite Magnet Current 07/26/2002
114 S. Tepikian, C. J. Gardner Multipole Polarities for the SNS Accumulator Ring 07/2002
115 D. Davino, H. Hahn, M. Blaskiewicz Coupling Impedance Measurements of the SNS RF Cavity 08/27/2002
116 Richard Talman, Nikolay Malitsky Beam-Based BPM Alignment 09/16/2002
117 H. Hahn, M.Blaskiewicz, A.Zaltsman Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of the SNS rf Cavity 10/29/2002
118 R. Witkover, D. Gassner, C. Mi Design of the SNS BLM Analog Front End 10/31/2002
119 W. J. McGahern Labeling of Magnet Coil Leads in Accordance with SNS Magnet Polarity Conventions 11/14/2002
120 H. Hahn Direct Transverse Coupling Impedance Measurements of Kicker Magnets 03/20/2003
121 N. Tsoupas, J. Jackson, Y.Y Lee,
D. Rapaira, J. Wei
Magnetic Field Calculations for a Large Aperture Narrow Quadrupole 10/13/2003
122 G. Parzen Island Resonances 06/13/2003
123 Yuri Malitsky Porting the UAL SXF Parser to a Windows Platform 08/22/2003
124 M. Blaskiewicz Momentum Painting in SNS Accumulator Ring 08/25/2003
125 R. L. Witkover, D. Gassner, Y. Leng SNS Beam Loss Monitor Calibration Facility 08/27/2003
126 R. Witkover SNS BLM Signal Calibration Constants 09/02/2003
127 Roger Connolly The SNS IPM Focusing Magnet and Correctors 09/05/2003
128 L.F.Wang, D. Raparia, J.Wei Mechanism of Electron Cloud Clearing with Electrodes 09/18/2003
129 H. Hahn Interpretation of Coupling Impedance Bench Measurements 09/24/2003
130 R. Witkover, M. Chaofeng Effect of Cable Length on BLM Signal Rise Time 12/10/2003
131 H. Ludewig, et al Estimate of Dose and Residual Activity in the SNS Ring Collimation Straight 12/30/2003
132 L. Wang, et al Mechanism of Electron Multipacting with Long-Bunch Proton Beam 01/16/2004
133 D. Raparia Particle Distribution at Injection Dump for Off Normal Linac Emittances 04/01/2004
134 M. Blaskiewicz Specifications for the Extraction Kicker TiN Coating 04/30/2004
135 H. Hahn Impedance Measurements of the SNS Extraction Kicker System 05/10/2004
136 R. F. Lambiase Quad Trim Winding Interconnection on 21Q40 Half Cell Wiring Diagrams 06/02/2004
137 P. He, H.C. Hseuh, R. Todd, et al Secondary Electron Emission Measurements for Tin coating on the Stainless Steel of SNS Accumulator Ring Vacuum Chamber 07/19/2004
138 J. Wei, A. Fedotov,
Y. Papaphilippou
Physics and Design of High Intensity Circular Accelerators 07/22/2004
139 W. Eng, et. al. Tracking Tests for the SNS Fast Injection Bump Power Supply 08/25/2004
140 H. Hahn SNS Extraction Kicker System Impedance Estimate 11/10/2004
141 N. Tsoupas, et al The Beam_Optics at the Extraction Region of SNS Ring: Revisited 02/28/2005
142 Y.Y. Lee, G. Mahler, W. Meng, D. Raparia, L. Wang, J. Wei Electron Tracking Study and Catcher Design 11/2004
143 Y.Y. Lee, G. Mahler, W. Meng, D. Raparia, L. Wang, J. Wei Electron Cloud at Injection Region 03/2005