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Number Author
1 | A.G. Ruggiero,et al | The NSNS Accumulator Ring | 08/05/96 |
2 | D. Raparia, et al | NSNS Ring System Design Study | 10/09/96 |
3 | L.N. Blumberg, Y.Y.Lee | H- Charge Exchange Injection into the 1 GeV NSNS Accumulator | 11/01/96 |
4 | A. Luccio, et al | Injection and RF Capture in the NSNS A Numerical Simulation in 6 Dimensions | 12/05/96 |
5 | H. Ludewig et al | NSNS Ring Systgem Design Study - Collimation and Shielding | 11/01/96 |
6 | D. Raparia, et al | The NSNS Ring to Target Beam Transport Line | 10/29/96 |
7 | A. G. Ruggiero | Space Charge and Coherent Effects in the NSNS Storage Ring | 06/06/96 |
8 | A. G. Ruggiero, M. Blaskiewicz | The Electron-Proton Effects in Intense Proton Bunches | 01/15/97 |
9 | M. Blaskiewicz, et al | RF Options for the NSNS | 12/05/96 |
14 | A. Soukas | Power Supply System | 03/31/1997 |
15 | H. C. Hseuh | Design of the NSNS Accumulator Ring Vacuum System | 02/12/97 |
17 | R. Witkover | NSNS Ring Beam Diagnostic Instrumentation | 02/14/97 |
18 | H. Ludewig, et al | Design of the NSNS Collimator System | 03/18/97 |
20 | J. Smith | NSNS Ring and Transfer Lines Control System | 04/21/97 |
23 | A. U. Luccio | Numerical Calculation of the Tune Spread Induced by Transverse Space Charge in a Synchrotron | 01/29/97 |
24 | A. G. Ruggiero | Tuneability of the NSNS Accumulator Ring | 02/12/97 |
25 | A. G. Ruggiero | Closed Orbit Distortion and Correction in the NSNS Accumulator Ring | 02/14/97 |
26 | Y.Y Lee | The 4 Fold Symmetric Lattice for the NSNS Accumulator Ring | 02/19/97 |
27 | A. G. Ruggiero & M. Blaskiewicz | Estimate of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance for the NSNS Accumulator Ring | 04/21/97 |
28 | A. G. Ruggiero and M. Blaskiewicz | Fast Transverse Instability in the NSNS Accumulator Ring | 04/24/97 |
29 | A. G. Ruggiero | Longitudinal Stability of the Beam Bunch in the NSNS Accumulator Ring | 05/20/97 |
30 | A. G. Ruggiero | Fast Transverse Damper for the NSNS Accumulator Ring | 06/02/97 |
31 | C. J. Gardner | Closed Orbit Distortion and Correction in the Four-Fold Symmetric NSNS Ring | 04/14/97 |
32 | S. Y. Zhang | NSNS Space Charge Effect | 04/24/97 |
33 | S. Y. Zhang | NSNS Transverse Instability | 04/24/97 |
34 | S. Y. Zhang, W.T. Weng | NSNS Transverse Microwave Instabilities | 06/06/97 |
35 | A.G.Ruggiero and M. Blaskiewicz | Electron-Proton Effects in Intense Proton Bunches Second Edition | 05/12/97 |
36 | M. Blaskiewicz, J.M. Brennan, A.Zaltsman | The NSNS RF System | 05/12/97 |
37 | C. J. Gardner | Some Notes on Tuning the NSNS Ring Lattice | 08/12/97 |
38 | J. Beebe-Wang, A.U. Luccio, R. Witkover | Simulations of SNS Accumulator Ring Beam Position Monitor Signals | 11/07/97 |
39 | C. J. Gardner | Skew Quadrupole Corrections for the SNS Ring | 12/17/97 |
40 | C. J. Gardner | Some Notes on the Placement of Correctors | 12/29/97 |
41 | C. J. Gardner | Sextupole Corrections for the SNS Ring | 01/14/98 |
42 | M. Blaskiewicz | Impedance and Stability considerations for the SNS | 02/17/98 |
43 | S. Y. Zhang, W. T. Weng | SNS Longitudinal Space Charge Effect | 04/06/98 |
44 | H. Ludewig, et al | Revised Conceptual Design for the Collimator | 04/24/98 |
45 | C.J. Liaw, Y.Y.Lee, J. Alessi,J. Tuozzolo | Maximum Temperature on the Carbon Striping Foil in the Spallation Neutron Source. | 06/18/98 |
46 | M. Blaskiewicz | Impedance and Stability Considerations for the SNS: Part II | 08/09/98 |
47 | J. Smith, J. Yu, S. Kuznetsov | BNL EPICS Development System | 09/16/98 |
48 | R. Shafer | Proposal for the SNS Ring Beam Synchronous Timing System | 09/21/98 |
49 | Richard Witkover | Considerations in Designing a "beam-In-Gap" Monitor for the Spallation Neutron Source | 09/23/98 |
50 | S. Y. Zhang | Secondary Electron Emission at the SNS Storage Ring Collimator | 10/05/98 |
51 | Jianlin Mi | SNS Accumulator Ring Extraction Fast Kicker Modulator Initial Simulation | 09/25/98 |
52 | D. Raparia, J. Alessi, Y.Y. Lee, W. T. Weng | The SNS High Energy Beam Transport Line | 09/20/98 |
53 | C. J. Gardner | Three-Dimensional Field Expansions in Magnets: A Primer | 11/19/98 |
54 | N. Tsoupas, J.Brodowski, Y. Y. Lee, J. Tuozzolo | Preliminary Study of the Magnetic Field of the SNS Lambertson-Type Extraction Septum Magnet | 12/22/98 |
55 | N. Tsoupas, J. Brodowski, Y. Y. Lee, C. J. Liaw, J. Tuozzolo | The SNS Injection Septum Magnet | 12/22/98 |
56 | J.Smith | SNS Networking at BNL | 01/24/99 |
57 | P. Thieberger | Proposed Magnetic Suppression of Secondary Electrons for the SNS Collimators | 02/08/99 |
58 | D. Raparia | Estimated Beam Loss Due to Energy Straggling Through the Charge Exchange Injection Foil | 02/08/99 |
59 | R.Connolly, P. Cameron, T. Shea, R. Witkover | Ionization Profile Monitor for SNS | 03/01/99 |
60 | R. Witkover | Considerations for the SNS Ring BLM System Design | 03/01/99 |
61 | S. Y. Zhang | SNS Storage Ring Impedances, 2-17-90 | 03/26/99 |
62 | M. Kesselman | Study of Ring BCM Requirements, Parameters and Feasibility | 05/20/99 |
63 | M. Blaskiewicz, et al. | Barrier Cavities in the Brookhaven AGS | 05/20/99 |
64 | P. Thieberger, et al. | Secondary Electron Yields and Their Dependence on the Angle of Incidence on Stainless Steel Surfaces for Three Energetic Ion Beams | 08/18/99 |
65 | D. Raparia, J. Alessi, Y.Y. Lee | Collimation in the HEBT | 08/19/99 |
66 | J.Wei | Preliminary Change Request for the SNS Ring Hybrid Lattice | 10/12/99 |
67 | H. Ludewig | Preliminary Estimate of Dose Following Machine Shutdown From Collimators, Vacuum Chamber Walls, and Adjacent Magnets | 10/18/99 |
68 | M. Meth, A. Zaltsman | Stability and Neutralization of the SNS RF Output Amplifier | 12/15/99 |
69 | S. Y. Zhang | SNS Ring BPM | 12/15/99 |
70 | D. Raparia, J. Alessi, Y.Y. Lee, J. Wei, W.T. Weng | Impact of the Suuperconducting Linac on the HEBT and Ring | 01/14/2000 |
71 | R. Lambiase, B. Oerter, J. Smith | Description of the Power Supply Control Scheme for the Spallation Neutron Source | 02/04/2000 |
72 | |||
73 | Dan T. Abell | Bugs in UAL/TEAPOT Map for a Sector Bend | 04/04/2000 |
74 | Smita Sathe | Report on SNS Magnet Database | 04/15/2000 |
75 | Y. Papaphilippou, N. Tsoupas | Preliminary Change Request for the Chromatic Sextupoles and Trim Quadrupole Elements of the SNS Accumulator Ring | 05/30/2000 |
76 | J. Wei (Editor) | Preliminary Change Request for the SNS 1.3 GeV-Compatible Ring | 05/04/2000 |
77 | H. Ludewig, J.Walker, N. Catalan-Lasheras, N. Simos, A. Mallen, J.Wei and M. Todosow | Preliminary Estimates of Dose and Residual Activation of Selected Components in Ring Collimation Straight | 06/06/2000 |
78 | Alexei V. Fedotov | Effect of Boundary Conditions at the Walls of a Beam Pipe on Present SNS Space-Charge Simulations | 06/01/2000 |
79 | J. G. Wang, S. Y. Zhang | Measurements of Coupling Impedance for the SNS Accumulator Ring | 06/09/2000 |
80 | J. Beebe-Wang, C. R. Prior | Injection Mismatch for the SNS Accumulator Ring | 06/01/2000 |
81 | J. Beebe-Wang | Oscillating Injection Painting and Related Technical Issues | 06/01/2000 |
82 | C. J.Gardner | Closed Orbit Distortion and Correction in the 248 Meter SNS Accumulator Ring Lattice | 07/18/2000 |
83 | H. Ludewig et al | Preliminary Estimates of the Residual Dose in the Vicinity of the First Doublet Following Machine Shutdown | 12/1999 |
84 | H.Hahn | On the Validity of Coupling Impedance Bench Measurements | 09/05/2000 |
85 | N. Malitsky | A Prototype of the SNS Optics Database | 11/09/2000 |
86 | A.V. Fedotov, N. Malitsky, J. Wei | Space-Charge Simulations for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Ring Using Unified Accelerator Libraries | 01/25/2001 |
87 | D. Raparia, A. Hershcovitch | Plasma Window for SNS Target | 02/12/2001 |
88 | D. Davino and H. Hahn | Transverse Impedance Measurement of a Simplified Model of the SNS Extraction Kicker | 03/2001 |
89 | I. Papaphilippou, C. Gardner, R. Lambiase, Y.Y. Lee, I. Marneris, J.Wei | Preliminary Change Request for the Low-Field Corrector Power Supplies of the SNS Ring | 03/23/2001 |
90 | G. Parzen | Choosing the Working Point in the SNS | 03/05/2001 |
91 | A.Fedotov, I. Papaphilippou,
J. Wei and J.A. Holmes |
Space-Charge and Resonance considerations for Choosing the SNS Ring Working Points | 03/23/2001 |
92 | Y. Papaphilippou, R. Lambiase, Y. Y. Lee, W. Meng, J. Tuozzolo, J.Wei and J. A. Holmes | Preliminary Change Request for the Powering of the 21Q40 and 26Q40 Focusing Arc Quadrupoles | 04/02/2001 |
93 | Y. Papaphilippou, Y. Y. Lee, N. Tsoupas and J.Wei |
Preliminary Change Request for including chromaticity sextupoles in the SNS accumulator ring | 04/06/2001 |
94 | N.Tsoupas, D. Raparia, Y.Y. Lee, and J. Wei | Survey and Orientation of Beam-Coordinate System Near the Extraction Region of the SNS Ring | 04/25/2001 |
95 | N. Catalan-Lesheras and D. Raparia | The Collimation System of the Ring to Target Beam Transfer (RTBT) Line | 07/03/2001 |
96 | N. Tsoupas, J. Wei, C.J.Gardner, Y.Y. Lee | Sextupole Families and Optical Compensations for SNS Ring | 07/17/2001 |
97 | N. Catalan-Lasheras, D. Raparia | The Collimation System of the High Energy Beam Transfer (HEBT) Line | 07/27/2001 |
98 | G. Parzan | Electric Fields of a Uniformly Charged Elliptical Beam | 08/03/2001 |
99 | P. He, H. C. Hseuh, R. Todd | Study of Metallization of Ceramic Vacuum Chambers in SNS Ring Injection System | 08/30/2001 |
100 | A.V. Fedotov and I. Hofmann | Half-Integer Resonance Crossing in high-Intensity Rings | 09/26/2001 |
101 | G. Parzen | Estimates of the Linear Coupling Effects | 10/03/2001 |
102 | D. Davino and H. Hahn | Measurement and Analysis of the Transverse Coupling Impedance of the SNS Extraction Kickers | 10/22/2001 |
103 | H. Hahn and D. Davino | Resistive Coatings on Layered Accelerator Structures with Rectangular Cross-Section | 01/08/2002 |
104 | M. Kesselman | Considerations for the Design of the Beam Current Monitor System for the SNS | 03/05/2002 |
105 | G. Parzen | Non-Linear Effects Due to Sextupoles | 02/26/2002 |
106 | Deepak Raparia | Linac Dump Optics with Window Near Quadrupoles | 03/12/2002 |
107 | Deepak Raparia | RTBT Collimators Re-Visisted | 03/21/2002 |
108 | D. Raparia and A. Hershcovitch | Plasma Window for SNS Target | 04/03/2002 |
109 | H. Hahn and D. Davino | SNS Extraction Kicker Magnet With Low -m Ferrite | 06/28/2002 |
110 | N. Tsoupas, et al | A Large-Aperture Narrow Quadrupole for the SNS Accumulator Ring | 05/21/2002 |
111 | G. Parzen | Guidelines for Injection Dipole Multipole | 05/24/2002 |
112 | D. Davino, J-L. Mi, N. Tsoupas | Reduced Transverse Impedance of SNS Ring Extraction Kickers | 07/17/2002 |
112 Rev A | D. Davino, J-L. Mi, N.Tsoupas | Reduced Transverse Impedance of SNS Ring Extraction Kickers | 08/27/2002 |
113 | J. Mi, J. Sandberg, A. Zhang | SNS Extraction Kicker BPFN Output Current Waveform for Low ì Ferrite Magnet Current | 07/26/2002 |
114 | S. Tepikian, C. J. Gardner | Multipole Polarities for the SNS Accumulator Ring | 07/2002 |
115 | D. Davino, H. Hahn, M. Blaskiewicz | Coupling Impedance Measurements of the SNS RF Cavity | 08/27/2002 |
116 | Richard Talman, Nikolay Malitsky | Beam-Based BPM Alignment | 09/16/2002 |
117 | H. Hahn, M.Blaskiewicz, A.Zaltsman | Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of the SNS rf Cavity | 10/29/2002 |
118 | R. Witkover, D. Gassner, C. Mi | Design of the SNS BLM Analog Front End | 10/31/2002 |
119 | W. J. McGahern | Labeling of Magnet Coil Leads in Accordance with SNS Magnet Polarity Conventions | 11/14/2002 |
120 | H. Hahn | Direct Transverse Coupling Impedance Measurements of Kicker Magnets | 03/20/2003 |
121 | N. Tsoupas, J.
Jackson, Y.Y Lee, D. Rapaira, J. Wei |
Magnetic Field Calculations for a Large Aperture Narrow Quadrupole | 10/13/2003 |
122 | G. Parzen | Island Resonances | 06/13/2003 |
123 | Yuri Malitsky | Porting the UAL SXF Parser to a Windows Platform | 08/22/2003 |
124 | M. Blaskiewicz | Momentum Painting in SNS Accumulator Ring | 08/25/2003 |
125 | R. L. Witkover, D. Gassner, Y. Leng | SNS Beam Loss Monitor Calibration Facility | 08/27/2003 |
126 | R. Witkover | SNS BLM Signal Calibration Constants | 09/02/2003 |
127 | Roger Connolly | The SNS IPM Focusing Magnet and Correctors | 09/05/2003 |
128 | L.F.Wang, D. Raparia, J.Wei | Mechanism of Electron Cloud Clearing with Electrodes | 09/18/2003 |
129 | H. Hahn | Interpretation of Coupling Impedance Bench Measurements | 09/24/2003 |
130 | R. Witkover, M. Chaofeng | Effect of Cable Length on BLM Signal Rise Time | 12/10/2003 |
131 | H. Ludewig, et al | Estimate of Dose and Residual Activity in the SNS Ring Collimation Straight | 12/30/2003 |
132 | L. Wang, et al | Mechanism of Electron Multipacting with Long-Bunch Proton Beam | 01/16/2004 |
133 | D. Raparia | Particle Distribution at Injection Dump for Off Normal Linac Emittances | 04/01/2004 |
134 | M. Blaskiewicz | Specifications for the Extraction Kicker TiN Coating | 04/30/2004 |
135 | H. Hahn | Impedance Measurements of the SNS Extraction Kicker System | 05/10/2004 |
136 | R. F. Lambiase | Quad Trim Winding Interconnection on 21Q40 Half Cell Wiring Diagrams | 06/02/2004 |
137 | P. He, H.C. Hseuh, R. Todd, et al | Secondary Electron Emission Measurements for Tin coating on the Stainless Steel of SNS Accumulator Ring Vacuum Chamber | 07/19/2004 |
138 | J. Wei, A. Fedotov, Y. Papaphilippou |
Physics and Design of High Intensity Circular Accelerators | 07/22/2004 |
139 | W. Eng, et. al. | Tracking Tests for the SNS Fast Injection Bump Power Supply | 08/25/2004 |
140 | H. Hahn | SNS Extraction Kicker System Impedance Estimate | 11/10/2004 |
141 | N. Tsoupas, et al | The Beam_Optics at the Extraction Region of SNS Ring: Revisited | 02/28/2005 |
142 | Y.Y. Lee, G. Mahler, W. Meng, D. Raparia, L. Wang, J. Wei | Electron Tracking Study and Catcher Design | 11/2004 |
143 | Y.Y. Lee, G. Mahler, W. Meng, D. Raparia, L. Wang, J. Wei | Electron Cloud at Injection Region | 03/2005 |